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Bonding Activities: Why Your Valentine’s Date Should Be at the Gym

Okay, okay, no, we’re not really saying you should surprise your partner on Valentine’s Day with a trip to the gym. In fact, please do not do that, or you might have a very insulted valentine on your hands! What we are suggesting, however, is that getting active with your partner offers a veritable box of chocolates of benefits. As they say, the couple that sweats together, stays together! Oh, you’ve never heard that one? Well allow us to convince you of this adage’s merits.


She Blinded Me with Science!

Working out with a partner can help you both establish and maintain an exercise routine—it’s science! A 2020 study of African-American couples found that romantic partners can positively influence each other’s healthy habits, which in turn can improve their cardiometabolic risk factors. In the study, couples who were assigned to exercise together exhibited greater adherence to a prescribed 12-week walking program than individual partners who were assigned to exercise separately. In another study examining the ways partners can facilitate (or hinder) each other’s weight loss goals, one of the themes observed among participants who cited ways their partners facilitated their goals referenced efforts to exercise together, saying things like: “It’s more enjoyable to be active…when we’re together,” and, “[Doing exercises together] is much better than when I’m alone.” That same study defined seven themes of partner facilitation in total, but the overarching theme reflected in all categories was that individuals tended to be more successful in the pursuit of their goals when they performed tasks related to the goal with their partner. Whether you call it accountability, solidarity, or just good old-fashioned loving support, having a partner who is “with you” on your fitness journey is scientifically proven to be a huge boon for you and your boo.


A 2021 study published in Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found that exercising with a romantic partner can improve not only your experience of the workouts you’re doing together but also your daily experiences overall. On days when participants exercised with their partners, they reported higher positive affect during exercise, higher daily positive affect, and were more satisfied with their relationship compared to days when they exercised without their partner. Talk about a win-win! As Elle Woods once said, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands. They just don’t.” Not only will exercise make you stronger and happier, but exercising with your partner has the power to make your relationship stronger and more fulfilling. 


Let’s Get Together, Yeah Yeah Yeah!

So now that we know how beneficial exercising together can be, let’s talk about ways to ensure you and your beloved are taking advantage of all those benefits. Here are a few ideas of workouts to do together to get you started, no matter where you’re starting from:

  • Neighborhood Walks: Whether it’s an early morning outing with the dog or an after-dinner stroll with the kiddos, one of the easiest things you can do with your partner is just open the front door and walk outside. Start with a super easy target, like five minutes once or twice a week, and build up from there as your busy lives allow. Once you’ve established some consistency, we bet you’ll really look forward to taking walks together—and miss taking them on days you have to skip!
  • Take a New Class Together: Maybe you and your partner have always gravitated towards opposite activities and/or hobbies and despite some solid attempts to join in on each other’s preferred “thing”, you both would just rather do something else. That’s fine! We’re all individuals and you don’t have to love everything your partner does! But if you still want to get in on the “working out together” action, finding an activity that is brand new to both of you levels the playing field a bit. Plus, introducing novelty in a long-term relationship is a great way to keep the spark alive. Go into the new activity with a spirit of adventure and a willingness to be bad at it together—a healthy dose of humor goes a long way! 
  • Become Exergamers: Exer-what?? Exergaming, or active video gaming—think Dance Dance Revolution or Nintendo WiiFit, for example—can be a great introduction to getting more active without having to go to a gym. And a little friendly competition can’t hurt 😉 Whether you like dance-based movement or sports skills games like tennis, a variety of games exist for most gaming consoles. 
  • Join an Adult Sports League: If you and your partner love to be social together, pick a sport you’re interested in trying out and look for local adult sports leagues you could join. Bowling counts too! (Just maybe cool it with the beer pitchers and pizza if you’re trying to stick to a healthier diet 😜) Many cities have options like kickball, softball, pickleball, tennis, basketball, etc. Check out your city or county’s official .gov site and look for listings of leisure services or community events. There you can usually find info on schedules and how to register for your chosen local sports league.
  • Workout from Home with an App: With a workout app like Restart!, you and your partner can complete your own individualized workouts–together! All you need to do is make some space in the living room (or bedroom? Ooh la la!) and commit to 25-30 minutes once or twice a week (to start) to go through the exercises in your queue. You can chat while you workout, listen to music you both love, or even put a show on (as long as you can safely complete your exercises without getting too distracted!). It’s almost like hiring a trainer together, except significantly less expensive, far more flexible as far as scheduling is concerned, and you don’t have to be doing the same things. Try Restart! out for free for the first three months and see how it can bring you and your partner closer together! Download it here.


It Takes Two, Baby

At the end of the day, relationships thrive on shared experiences, and what better way to strengthen your bond than by prioritizing your health together? Whether you’re strolling through the neighborhood, battling it out in a game of pickleball, or cheering each other on through an app-guided workout, exercising with your partner isn’t just about breaking a sweat—it’s about building a stronger, happier, and more connected relationship. So, this Valentine’s Day (or any day, really), consider swapping the candlelit dinner for a little movement and laughter. And then the couple that sweats together may very well stay together after all. To your sweatily ever after! ❤️

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